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Book description

Enter a fascinating world as you come on an extraordinary 11-year journey of awakening that takes the author down the rabbit hole, which reveals counter-intuitive wisdom and the unshakable certainty that truth is much stranger than fiction.

This is a challenging adventure into the dark depths of being, into the underworld where many guardians must be faced, into the dark void where creation originates, into other dimensions and worlds of light, to reclaim lost wisdom and remember our simple, innocent essence.

This is a journey of visions, unfolding over years, precipitating travel to sacred sites in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, various Pacific Ocean islands and Australia. There, a creation work unfolds that is discovered to reflect the rituals, beliefs, and creation myths of the ancient indigenous peoples, such as the Maya, Inca, Dogon, and the people of the bird deity of the Pacific Ocean.

The journey reveals the roller coaster of awakening. It is like travelling into a black hole and elements of awakening, creation, and our process of growth are explained with the cutting-edge science of black holes, quantum physics, and string theory.

Fresh and unorthodox insight arises into the stories of creation. An understanding of the nature of evolution and evil unfolds, the latter having been the greatest obstacle on the author’s path. Finally, it delivers her to the deepest root of suffering, the greatest surprise of the journey.

This account reveals a reality that is shocking, awe-ful, terrifying, electric, inspiring, mind-boggling, beautiful, and heart breaking, and it will leave us with the simpleness, humbleness, and fiery love that lies at the heart of all things.


Opening sketch of book

Where does a story begin?

Does it begin with the Big Bang? Does it begin before the Big Bang? Or does it begin with birth, the birth of this life, or with a birth in another far-away time, in the time of myth and legend? Does it begin sometime in a life when a fork in the path presents itself and one way is chosen? Or does it begin in the heart of space, where there is nothing?

In the heart of limitless space something moves. Vast ripples expand in nothingness. A great white dragon emerges, flapping its huge wings, creating a vast wind blowing through oceanic space, its fiery breath a flowing stream of love imbuing all with life and carrying seeds, the seeds of a magnificent story. A story that will ever change, a story full of movement and colour, a movie projected on the screen of infinite expanse.

This is a story of many layers and dimensions. It is one story fragmented into many, forming an intricate web of living light.

This is the story of the great White Dragon.

More blogs on the blog page

Reading from chapter 1  A change in perspective

Reading from chapter 2  A different world

Reading from chapter 3  Meeting the Jewel Snake

Reading from chapter 4  Sacrifice

Reading from chapter 8  Conversations with Ela, the dragon-eel-serpent

Reading from chapter 11  The black hole

Reading from chapter 19  Swimming with Mirka, the great white shark

Swimming with humpback whales described in chapter 22.  A deep call to being and the Unknown. Video courtesy of Hunor Lorinczi

This is the baby of Kera the mother whale, who played with us at the Vava'u Islands of Tonga

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